Time is marching on, and the 2023 Shanghai & Nimrod Cups are getting ever closer. The Shanghai Cup Bristol Channel Championships is held over two weekends (10/11 and 24/25 June) with the Nimrod Cup taking place on the second weekend (24/25 June) as well.

A reminder that the Early Bird offer for entries ends on Friday 31 March. If you haven’t entered yet, please get your entries in early as it helps is plan logistics etc for the event.

Entries can be made at https://www.shanghaicup.co.uk/race-entry/

Cardiff Weekend Info

Also, an update on the Cardiff weekend (24/25 June). The Cardiff Triathlon is taking place on the Sunday of that weekend. The only impact on the event is that vehicle access to the club is restricted on the Sunday morning between 05:15 and 10:30. After a meeting with the organisers, the plan is that we will have access to the Toys R Us Car Park for competitors to park in, then walk down to the club from there.

The race is not going all the way across Cardiff Barrage, so the locks & bridges will be operating as per normal, all weekend.